Tag Archive | Veterinary Syringes and Needles

Insulin Syringe. What is this?

Easy Touch Insulin Syringe

Easy Touch Insulin Syringe

According to international estimates, more than four percent of the adult population suffers from a disease called diabetes. Despite the “dessert” concept, this disease is a huge problem for the sick person. Scientists have shown that diabetes can be inherited. But do not worry if your family has or had this kind of patients. Diabetes is not a viral disease. In addition, they cannot get, because the disease does not cause the bacteria. Patients with diabetes are constantly in need of medication. This is called insulin. The fact is that in diabetes in the blood does not have enough of this hormone. As a result, the sugar is simply not processed in the body of the patient, why can develop thrombosis and so on. Insulin – the hormone of the pancreas. It is of great importance in the daily work of the organs and systems of man. If it is not a man or a woman forced to comply with a special diet and administered daily dose of insulin. This can be done by special needle, which will be discussed later in this article.

Insulin syringe consists of a special body, the needle and plunger. In fact, this kind of arrangement is not much different from typical medical syringe. The only thing, it is much less. Nowadays people are increasingly using more modern syringes. For example, insulin pen. The difference is the following. This pen is, above all, from the so-called insulin cartridges, which are often referred to as cartridge or cartridge. The structure of such a syringe needle and also includes a special mechanism which makes piston operate automatically. Insulin pen in working order must be stored in specially its case. Recap the needle. Generally this type of insulin syringe containing a specific dose of the hormone. There are pens, a dose of which 0.5 units or, for example, one Unit.

Of course, to use a syringe pen is much more convenient. When compared with an ordinary syringe, perform the procedure and enter the injection with her man can own. In addition, due to the special mechanism, needle done quickly. One has only to click on the correct button. We should not forget that a pen injections less painful. This is because the insulin pen is very short and thin needle. It is comfortable to wear, because the case does not take much space in your bag or pocket. This reusable syringe. This is another plus. The most well-known manufacturers such “handles” are now considered “Plivapen” and “Humapen.”

Insulin pen must have a special window, which will be marked on the scale. With this sick person can continue to fairly easy to control insulin, setting just the right amount that you want specifically to him. As for the so-called replacement cartridges in the syringe, it will not take long. People will be able to change the cartridge in two minutes.

Insulin pen can be purchased at any pharmacy. It should be noted that these devices have become popular all over the world. Use the pen at any time. No need to spend a lot of your precious time to prepare the syringe handling the injection site, and the like. The cost depends on the type of pen manufacturer, the amount of shells and other items. Set your body needs insulin only with professional on the basis of special blood tests. Hurry to the doctor, listen to his advice and take care of your health!