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Conservative Treatment of Varicose Veins

varicose veins treatment

varicose veins treatment

By conservative treatments include reception of drugs and compression therapy. May be given either alone or combined with surgery.

Drug therapy – (Internal and external use of officially registered drug forms) aims to improve the state of the venous system (strengthens the vascular wall and affects the process of clot formation). Also partially removes the display of such symptoms as pain, swelling, night cramps and discomfort. Unfortunately, having a pronounced and prolonged effect, drug therapy does not eliminate the causes of the disease varicose veins
and plays a significant role in the onset of the disease. In later stages, designated as maintenance therapy.

Compression – wearing a special medical hosiery or bandages (like unna’s boot or unna boots). The most accessible (and often in the presence of allergic reactions to drugs – the only one), and an effective way to treat and prevent varicose veins. Can be administered by a physician as self-medication, as well as complements and enhances the effect of other methods. Many phlebologists called therapeutic hosiery “outer frame” veins. “This comparison is justified, because the regular and proper wearing custom-fitted jersey improves valve apparatus, reduces puffiness, affects the rate of blood flow and reduces the risk of blood clots. But without affecting the causes of the disease, only slowing the progression of the disease.