Tag Archive | pet health

Testing Aquarium Water

Fish Aquarium AntibioticsWithout testing the quality of the aquarium water aquarist cannot do. Everyone, especially as a beginner aquarist should be able to test the water. It is not difficult, and now and not expensive.

I guess we all know that if a child suddenly for no apparent reason of sick, then the best thing to put him to the thermometer. Rather, he has fever and he was not feeling well. Anyone can measure the temperature. And certainly there is a medical thermometer in the house at all. Temperature measurement – this is the easiest method of diagnosis.

And what aquarist, if the fish suddenly  sick: color and lost appetite, became lethargic, and even more so if they began to show more severe symptoms of distress, such as hemorrhage and the splitting of the fins, shortness of breath? Do not rush to make the aquarium any medications. To begin in diagnosing! After all, myself or my child to begin with you would put a thermometer, is not it?

Obviously, incomparably less than the aquarium room of most natural waters. That’s why the aquarium ecosystem is subject to rapid change. To maintain a steady state it simply is not enough internal resources. These are important for fish health parameters as acidity (pH), the content of ammonia and nitrite can significantly change not what a day – a few hours! The health of the fish it will be reflected very badly. And any medication you do not help them here, on the contrary will only aggravate an adverse situation, further violating the ecological balance in the aquarium. Therefore, the aquarist should be able to confidently manage the fragile ecosystem of the aquarium, and without the diagnosis is simply impossible. To benefit from interfering in the life of the aquarium, you must know what processes take place in it and what results they led.

In the same way as you have a medical thermometer in the house, if you’re a holder of an aquarium, you should have at least a minimum set of aquarium tests. Among them should be made a test to determine the acidity (pH test), the test for the determination of ammonia (test for ammonia / ammonium), a test for the determination of nitrite and nitrate test to determine. In addition, it is useful to know the total and temporary hardness (GH-and KH-tests). Taken together, these tests and are thus “thermometer” – the necessary diagnostic kit, with which you can find trouble in the aquarium ecosystem and promptly rectify the situation.

Using modern aquarium test is very simple. It should be a special measuring cup to collect the right amount of water and make the appropriate reagent drop by drop. Depending on the purpose of the test, it will be necessary either to calculate the number of drops needed to change the color of the sample, or vice versa to make a predetermined number of drops and compare the color of the sample with a special color scale, which, together with a drink included in the test. The instructions attached to the aquarium tests, explain which parameter specifies the test and what values ​​can be considered the norm, and which are dangerous to fish.

If you found trouble on some indicator of what to do next? In other words, what “medicine” needed to “cure” the aquarium ecosystem? First of all, an aquarium with disturbed biological balance needed influx of fresh water. But the trouble is, our tap water is not suitable for fish. From this it is first necessary to remove chlorine, ammonia, heavy metals, if necessary, to stabilize the pH in the optimum values ​​for the fish. In most cases, a simple defense of water for three days, solves this problem. But if you have defended the water there, and the ecological situation in the aquarium requires immediate action, what can you do?

There are several answers to this question.

You can use a good household drinking water purification filter (with no silver in the filter material!), Then heat the water to the desired temperature, at least one hour it and make the aquarium (required to measure the pH: Some filters are significantly change this setting, and then have to adjust the reagent pH + or pH).

You can use boiled water. Water should be boiled, cooled to the desired temperature, proaerirovat at least an hour, and then use it.

Water-cooked methods described above can be immediately replaced by a quarter or even a third of the aquarium.

If you are using cooked quickly tap water is always useful to use a special air-conditioned.

Not always but a Wiki is the ability to quickly prepare the right amount of water using the above methods. Then come to the aid of special reagents that can be used to neutralize the harmful impurities in the water and achieve the desired hydro-chemical parameters. With the help of these same chemicals can quickly “fix” the water and directly into the aquarium.

As you know, we live in an era of change. Now, these changes also affected the aquarium – it was the era of widespread use of aquarium tests and reagents.

Miss a Dog Alone?

dog aloneWhat a joy it was to the family when we bought a puppy. We have long been preparing for this event. It is very difficult, it turned out, we select the appropriate breed by nature, because each has its own inherent qualities. With someone needs a lot of walking with someone engaged in the performance of training, someone must take on the hunting or combing several times a day.

Having defined the breed, we picked up a nursery, where, in our opinion, were the best representatives. We had to wait 3 months.
During this time, we bought a couple of things: a rug, bowls for food and water, all sorts of colorful toys, tweeters, vitamins and mineral supplements on the advice of breeders and much more.

We had a lot of information about what to feed the puppy, when to vaccinate, how to care for his hair, how to monitor the change of teeth and so on. But we did not know what to do, that our pet is pleased us with his behavior.

As time passed, he grew up, and our house has become a “battlefield.” The floor is broken claws and in some places dug up the concrete, wallpaper on the bottom of the wall is now missing scratched doors. When we come home from work, we met a lot of foul-smelling, and almost a flood in the kitchen. This is despite the fact that we honestly walk with the dog in the morning and evening for almost an hour.

All these details would be for us to tolerate, if not for the neighbors who complain about the constant howling and barking in our absence. Now we face a choice, or somehow fix everything that creates our dog, or we simply evicted.

During that time, until the dog with us we are so accustomed to it, love, and give it to the “good hands” is not acceptable, let alone put to sleep, like insisting bellicose neighbor.
This is one of the stories of those dog owners who are faced with the problem of fear of loneliness. Many believe that this behavior is caused by just the presence of boredom, which is trying to get rid of the dog described above.

But this opinion, we believe is absolutely wrong. If you try to understand what boredom is just an association with drowsiness, yawning and sleeping. Thus boredom dog for us is just an extremely desirable. During the absence of the hosts they are just sleeping. This is normal behavior alone.

What is the cause of abnormal behavior, which we have called above the fear of loneliness?

Usually – it’s dominance. What is it?

Any dog, regardless of its size and species, has characteristic of the behavior of the wolf. A dog that lives in the family believes it to his flock. In the pack there is a hierarchy, where a representative of other more important, in other words, he – leader of the pack. The higher the position of the animal in the hierarchy, the more he has the rights and benefits.

Usually, the leader sets the rules and demands of their performance (dominant). He always comes first, forcing the others to follow. The leader eats first. It can take food from other pack members. He is the initiator of all actions of the pack, whether it be playing or hunting. He sleeps on the hills. As is well acquainted with all the animated film about Mowgli, the leader Akella is always lying on a high rock.

Anyone who has faced the problem of destructive dog behavior at home during the absence of the hosts, allowed her to behave this way. Our experience shows that none of these people just had no idea that their dog feels the principal in relation to them. Such behavior is inherent in these dogs from birth, it determines how viable they will flock in the wild. The desire to lead the pack and become a leader is in each dog.

Therefore, in order to reduce the dominance of a dog, she cannot afford to behave like a leader. You need to behave themselves, that is:

– Always enter and exit the first in any door. That is, before the door, gate or gate, you have to stop, go first and then allow the dog to do it. The leader should always be first.
– Also, you must first climb up and down the stairs. The dog, thus, must go side by side or slightly behind.
– Completely ignore the dog when it requested a meal when you eat. During your meal, it can not be with you. After you eat, take a bowl in one hand and show her. In the other hand, take any piece of human food (cookies, candy, fruit or vegetables) and eat it in her eyes. Then give her a bowl. This way you will show your dog that you eat first, and defraud her of her food, as does this leader of the pack.
– Ignore the dog if it sticks to you with a desire to play or wants you to caress her. Tell her strictly “Fu” or “not” and do not pay attention to it. If you want to own it to play or cuddle it, Call it 1-2 a minute, praise her, play and cuddle. The leader is the initiator of all actions of the pack.
– Be sure to decline to lie on beds, chairs, etc. At higher elevations is the leader and the dog tries to push you, “his office”

If you are faced with the fact that the dog finds a home, you must also begin to engage with it in training of a novice with an experienced instructor individually or on a training club in the group with other dogs.
The problem of dominance can not be corrected to include the radio or TV during the absence of the hosts. Nothing happens if you leave a toy with a record of your voice. The dog will demand your return as you its slave, and she is, roughly speaking, your boss. Often, even the presence in the room other animals or people she does not think the members of his flock, cannot prevent the dog’s excitement, her howling, barking, jumping on the door, etc. And if you close it in one of the rooms, donating it to the pogrom that can protect your neighbors from noise published?

To correct the fear of loneliness must do the following exercise.

Close the dog in the room or on the balcony and wait for one, without going to it.
If she whines, scratches or shows any other concern, it should be ignored.

After 3 minutes, if it has not ceased to behave this way, go into the room, but as if you do not have a dog. Let her out of the room should not be. Walk around the room without even looking at her. If the dog jumps, not repel it, leave the room.
Wait a bit. If the dog stopped, it is necessary to enter and praise her, give a treat, and leave again. If you still whines, then go back, go, completely ignoring. Again leave until then the dog stops whining. It usually takes between 5 and repeat 12 times.

As soon as the stop whining, come and praise. Each time, increase the time that she was sitting quietly. That is, the first time, when the dog stops whining, just come in and praise, for the second time in 10-15 seconds, then after a minute, etc.

It is necessary that the first time you perform this exercise; it is not whined at least 3-4 times in a row. This may take 2-3 hours. If the dog begins to whine and did not stop, come in and ignore.

This exercise is designed to reduce the pleasure of a dog howling and anxiety, as we cease to praise her for it. On the contrary, we praise her for her calm demeanor. Eventually, the dog realizes that solitude is fine, but when the owner comes home compliments and wishes for her that she is calm and does not notice her if she “hooligans”. For dogs, what they fail to notice and ignore the far more vexing any other punishment (shouting, swearing, beating, etc.).

In addition to dominance, fear, loneliness can be caused by the fact that the dog is not accustomed to a stay at home. This happens when people take a puppy with small children and always sits with him at home, never leaving him alone. Then circumstances change, and the dog is no one to stay. Such abrupt changes cannot afford to move many of the dogs, regardless of their breed.

When you buy a puppy, it must be left alone. Then you can leave the apartment a short time, gradually increasing the period of absence.

As a result, we believe that any breed of dog can safely tolerate the absence of hosts, if, after purchase the puppy, leave them alone and they are engaged in the above-described methods. That is, there are no excess breeds of dogs, which is completely absent fear of loneliness. Experience shows that such a seemingly bedroom of breed of dogs, an English bulldog, Yorkshire terrier, toy terrier, Labrador may have a fear of loneliness. Rather, it is the result of improper handling of a dog-and-error in the education, not racial characteristic.

Dogs who do not fear loneliness, you can leave with friends and relatives. They are easy to move it. In other words, they are simply bored to sleep.

It is believed that there are breeds of dogs, house breaking content that they mind. This is misleading. There are breeds of dogs are active. They usually have a lot of walking. Therefore, many feel that these dogs can not be kept in the apartment. We think that if you provide dog walking sufficient to meet its activity, the breed does not matter. Psyche can spoil rather than flats content, and mishandling the dog and the mistakes in the upbringing.

Runny Nose in Dogs and Cats.

Dog NoseRunny nose (rhinitis) in cats and dogs can be a separate disease or a symptom of other diseases. Nasal discharge may be watery, mucous, purulent. If the selection goes from one nostril, then it’s probably not a simple head cold, it often indicates a tumor in the nasal passages, this doctor’s consultation is required.
Common cold usually occurs without worsening of general condition, the animal is active, eats well. For the treatment can be used to drop the animals or small children in the oil-based. Treatment is carried out at least 7 – 10 days.
It should be noted that even the common cold in cats, dogs runny nose, if left untreated, may become chronic. Chronic rhinitis is almost impossible to treat. Therefore, it is expedient to immediately contact your veterinarian.
Do not be afraid to treat with antibiotics if the case is not running, you will have a healthy animal. But as a rule, the animal gets to a vet suffering from is 1.5 – 2 months! Often the treatment is useless, and the owners charged with veterinarians in mediocrity. By purchasing a kitten or a puppy at the age of 1.5 – 2 months, sneezing, but fun, the owners think that it is “cold” and are surprised that in a month or two “cold” does not pass. And when you consider that viral rhinotracheitis or kalitseviroz cats, adenovirus, and the plague in dogs begins, usually with a cold – can be within 5 – 10 days of losing an animal. For the young, these viruses are deadly. Runny nose may be allergic origin, the first sign of asthma (not uncommon in cats!). This treatment is different: antihistamines, corticosteroids.
Particular caution – self-medication may be harmful to your animals, so we do not give specific assignments to the medical examination.
In profile, the cats of different breeds differ significantly from each other. Elongated and straight nose oriental cats can be as much as 5 inches longer spout Persian, resembling a small button of. But no matter how the nose looked like it throughout their lives is a true cat, as an important sensory organ and the beginning of the respiratory system. Inhaled air before it enters the lungs and clears heat in the nose. In addition to the vital oxygen, the cat may inhale harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as various foreign bodies. Fortunately, the cat’s nose is an excellent biological filter, which does not pass into the body, most microbes. Micro-organisms and dust deposited on the mucous membrane, and then allocated through the nose. So sometimes in the nose prominent black cats are thin crust, from which the animal gets rid of when washing. These secretions, breathing, are not a sign of disease. A cat can inhale foreign bodies: a blade of grass, string, small fish bone, and even insects. Then she starts to sneeze and constantly rubs his nose with his paw. In most cases the foreign body out of itself. Otherwise, do not try to remove it (you can seriously injure the nasal mucosa), and you must immediately give the cat the care of a veterinarian.
If the cat runs from the nose, she sneezes and breathes with difficulty, the poor are likely to seriously ill. It is through the nose in the animal pathogens penetrate the most dangerous and incurable diseases – infectious peritonitis (FIP) and leukemia (FeLV). Protect your cat from these deadly diseases can only be timely vaccinations. Some infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract are united under the name “cat’s runny nose.” Their agents – herpes viruses, reoviruses, kalitsevirusy, Chlamydia. Symptoms of feline rhinitis – sneezing, coughing, eye inflammation, fever, weakness and apathy. Discharge from the eyes and nose, watery at first, and then the adhesive or purulent. Often an animal cannot breathe through your nose. Because of the deteriorating appetite, because the cat does not feel the smell of food. Kalitsevirus, except for the described symptoms, may cause ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Various animals endure a cold cat in many ways: some off with a slight indisposition, other disease is very difficult. Of course, one should not expect deterioration, hoping for a home remedy. At the first sign of illness, especially when the temperature rises, you need to consult a doctor. Cat’s cold can be cured with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but it is better to make the cat vaccinated. Running respiratory infections can lead to inflammation of the lungs. Against the background of feline rhinitis may develop a secondary bacterial infection – inflammation of the maxillary (nose) sinuses. In this case a cat sneezes, spraying white, yellowish, often with blood, a secret. Appetite remains normal animal, because breathing is difficult, the selection comes from the sinuses. Sinusitis treated with antibiotics, in severe cases, the nasal cavity is washed, exposing them to the outside. Cats often suffer from colds in the nasal passages may be formed polyps – benign growths the size of a cherry. Symptoms of polyps: difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, recurrent bouts of sneezing. Some cats shake their heads, can change the timbre of voice and swallowing difficult. Get rid of the polyps can only be surgically.Some cats may suffer from allergic rhinitis. Animal allergies and sneezes, as opposed to the common cold, caused by colds, nasal discharge is always watery. Cats, like humans, there is an allergic reaction to pollen of certain plants or chemicals. Measures to prevent allergies – to identify the allergen and prevent their falling into the habitat of the cat. Relieve allergic rhinitis by using anti-inflammatory drugs.
Thus, the respiratory diseases of cats on the symptoms and treatments are similar to those of men. Under no circumstances do not try to treat cough and sneeze cat antibiotics, which, for example, quickly helped to catch a cold last winter baby. Only a veterinarian may prescribe an effective cure for a cat in a suitable dosage for a particular animal. The best way to protect your cat against disease – timely vaccination. Combined vaccination against pathogens “cat colds”, and chlamydia.
The first vaccination – at the age of 8-9 weeks. Booster – at the age of 11-12 weeks. Subsequent re-vaccination – every year. Cat’s nose is not only an important part of the respiratory system, but also the organ of smell. Cat has a great sense of smell is much more acute than in man. Department of cat brain responsible for sense of smell is well developed. In addition, over the upper jaw of a cat is a special organ that does not pertain to the nose – the body Jacobson. Its role is to recognize odors. This body is in other animals, such as horses. The cat sometimes opens his mouth, sniffing the unfamiliar objects. So the cat “sniffing” Jacobson organ. It is noticed that, as a rule, unpleasant for the person smells like urine scent marks, the cat with the body recognizes Jacobson. The food is usually a cat sniffing nose. But not exactly clear what makes a cat in some cases the use of Jacobson organ, while others – the nose.
It is believed that a dog’s nose is sharper than a cat. In fact, this is not true. Indeed, part of the brain dog responsible for the sense of smell, developed more than a cat. But the smells of food, as well as relatives of the cat trap smells just as sharply as a dog. The main difference in the smell of cats and dogs is that dogs are on the trail, the cat did not. However, cats can smell from a distance. During the mating period, females gather at the window all the neighboring cats. Some go to the “scent of a woman” from afar. Cat owners need to know about one of their features. Before you eat, the cat always sniffs the food, even the well-known and beloved: the smell of food stimulates the appetite. The cat, which has a stuffy nose, turns away from the tidbits. At a cold cat for some unknown reason does not use body Jacobson. Diseased animal is fasting harmful to itself – the body is not getting food, weakens, and the disease progresses. Therefore, a cat suffering from even a slight cold, to clean the nose and feed it highly palatable foods: liver, the most favorite canned food, fresh meat. Some odors are a cat like a drug. For example, sniffing, or valeric tincture of valerian root, most cats will come into ecstasy: starts rolling on the floor and rub on all sorts of things. This lasts a few minutes. In addition to valerian, cat smells like catnip, onion and garlic. Odor as naphthalene and orange cats are extremely unpleasant.
How to care for the dogs nose?
Dog’s nose – the main feature of the health problems. Therefore, if the nose is not wet and cold, like a healthy dog, it should alert you. Dry, hot, and sometimes cracked nose should alert the owner – a symptom of illness onset. However, warm nose can be a dog during a game or immediately after sleep. Still, be observant, in time to capture the best condition. If the dog has returned home with his nose, covered with clay, earth, remove the dirt moist, soft cloth.
Sometimes dogs and cold as a consequence of the elementary hypothermia, inhalation of irritating. Nasal passages of dogs are very narrow, they are many folds, so effective medication in the form of aerosol, but aerosols are unpleasant for the dogs, so it’s best to use and children from the cold drops of liquid oil.
Avoid the use of dogs for the treatment of nasal vasoconstrictor agents such as “Sanorin”, “Naphazoline.” This is very dangerous. Thick, greenish nasal discharge, accompanied by the formation of thick crusts and coarsening of the skin nasal mirror, often an indicator of the disease plague. Especially if this observed greenish purulent discharge from the eyes. It is clear that a doctor is needed here. The resulting “brown” can be deleted, their pre-softened mineral oil or glycerin. And the secret of the nasal passages is removed with a tightly twisted wool from the flagella, and moisten them with petroleum jelly or glycerin.

Children, Dogs and All of Us …

Child DogGets a dog for the children out of every five of those who gets it. And, of course, rightly so, because the dog – this is a friend and nurse, and the uncle and his younger brother, and sometimes stern headmaster. And it would seem, no problems, but 18% of dog owners admit that their dogs growl and sometimes bite the younger family members. Therefore, when the adults want to grow in the garden of one and the children, and dogs, they must find the answers to the questions: What four-legged breed should start in such a case, and when?
I would not want to impose their views, especially since it is based on experience rather limited – lots of dogs, and lives alone. And among my friends are the family where English Cocker keeps all in awe and humility, and the family in which the Moscow guard – well, just a mother, a nurse on four legs. And advise here! So the experience of one person may be enough. But there is a social experience – the experience of each of us, neatly folded. Use it is very tempting.
It is believed that the dog is better start when your child is more than a year, provided that, if you both are going to educate themselves. If you want a dog involved in a child, wait until he turns fourteen. There are exceptions, but rely on them should not be. When the dog and children is particularly important Dog Training experience of adults, and if the dog previously you did not have, try to fill at least theoretically the problem of knowledge. Oh, and as it may seem strange, but my grandmother and grandfather – bad aides in growing dogs: they pamper them like grandchildren.
As for the choice of breed, then I suggest to everyone to take advantage of the most social experience and not to fill shishey dog on the rocks, which have already stumbled on the other. To do this, I asked for 230 with or without, but living next to the dogs Muscovites to answer two questions: “The most-the most the breed for a family with a child?” and “most-the most the breed for the education of a teenager?”. Of course, the most frequently mentioned the most common species, known to most respondents.
According to the survey found that of the 27 breeds that are recommended for bringing up a teenager in the top ten included the German and East European Shepherd, Airedale, Collie, Giant Schnauzer, Boxer, Schnauzer, Doberman, Flushing, and mongrel dogs. Less commonly recommended Dalmatian, Rottweiler, Newfoundland, poodles, dachshunds, and setters. Of those who offered to families with children, adolescents are not considered suitable Afghan Hound, Bernese Shepherd, Bloodhound, Kerry Blue Terrier, Pekingese, Scottish Terrier, French Bulldog lap dog, Irish wolfhound, a Chihuahua, white terrier, bull terrier, pug , miniature schnauzer, chow-chow, Moscow watchdog, bobtail, and St. Bernard.
I am glad that public opinion was demanding the choice of breed for teenagers. In fact, if an adult will lead the wrong dog, it can be dangerous, most likely, only for members of his family, and if not that the dog will bring out a teenager, it can hurt many people. And if public opinion offers a choice of 27 teenagers “food”, for the content in a family with a child allows 42 species, believing that there are no bad dogs.
With the proper education of an adult, a dog of almost any breed can get along very well in a family with a child. But anyway, the top ten breeds in this case are (in descending order of urgency guidelines) collie, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, spaniels, German shepherd, poodles, Schnauzers, Giant Schnauzer, Boxer and Airedale. Less often, but too often, it is advised bobtail, Labrador dog, dachshund, Moscow watchdog, Chows, Miniature Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Pug, Bull Terrier, and setters. Not excluded the mixing of children with sheltie, black terrier, Chihuahua, Central Asian Shepherd, Irish wolfhound, a mongrel, Alsatian, lapdogs, Bassett, French Bulldog, Whippets, Scottish terrier, Pekingese, Irish Terrier, Doberman, Bloodhound, Shepherd Berne and Afghan greyhound.
However, were never mentioned in the answers to both questions is the English Bulldog, Greyhound, Miniature Pinscher, Greyhound, Mastiff, and bullets, Russian Hound, Toy Terrier, and Japanese Chin. And most “childish” breeds of dogs were collies, German shepherd, Airedale and East European Shepherd, more often mentioned in the responses to both questions.

Animals in the House

Veterinary suppliesPeople of different professions and ages much of his free time paid breeding pets. One is a hobby brings joy of communion with nature, others see his team of friends who love to pay to them a touching affection. In most families there are animals in the house at the request of children for whom particularly high cognitive and educational importance of communication with animals. Caring for fish, birds and small animals instills industriousness, punctuality, creative skills, and respect for all living things.

Setting the stage for the animals in the house, the family takes up a lot of concern that require some expenditure of funds, time and effort. Requires some skill, patience, discipline and knowledge of biological features of the animal. Of the more than half a million different species of animals in the home may well exist and be safe for humans, less than 1%. Sometimes people are trying to help those in need wild animals, take them home, so that in some time to release them back to freedom is stronger and healthier. But such altruism can result in disaster – tamed young animals, as adults, can no longer live independently and die. In this case it is better to leave the pet at home or transfer to the pet store, a school of living area, a station of young naturalists.

At present, opportunities for breeding in the home increased significantly: introduced new types of pets, in most major cities of the specialized pet shops are open, amateur associations are created, published a lot of literature.

Among domestic animals the most popular and widespread are exotic fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium. Aquarium – is not only container, a vessel for the content of aquatic organisms, and the specific biological system capable of self-regulation. Is rectangular, cylindrical, round, nodular with truncated apex, etc. Buy an aquarium, as well as his pets in pet stores can. To create a normal environment you need to create at the bottom of the tank bottom (sand, gravel, pebbles, shells), dilute aquatic plants and algae (water sprouts, , kobomba, Ricci uviranda and others), to acquire or produce their own devices for additional light and oxygen saturation of water. The aquarium can live as inhabitants of the local rivers and lakes (bitterling, eel, rudd, tench, gudgeon) as well as various types of exotic fish (Chinese, and calico telescope, the comet, celestial eye, a common goldfish and many others). Buying fish, you should consult the compatibility of different species and their feeding. It is best to refer to the literature.

More and more amateurs home terrarium – space for amphibians and reptiles content, as well as invertebrates and small mammals. However, keeping animals in terrariums little studied and is poorly lit in a special and methodological literature. First of all, must be carefully insulated enclosure to prevent the possibility of leaving his animals and the creation of a specific microclimate: a certain temperature, humidity, etc., Terrarium, usually manufactured without cracks of thick metal wire and a wall of glass (for observation). It can include toads, frogs, newts, snakes, turtles and lizards.

Fun activity is to breed the birds. When deciding to purchase feathered friends, you need to find out if someone is suffering from allergic diseases of family members, as the presence of birds in the house sometimes contributes to their aggravation. Do not rush to buy birds at random people, but before examining the requirements of feeding and caring for feathered refer to the pet store or a section of the amateur poultry. At home, the birds are kept in cages, aviaries or cages. Of the herbivorous birds can live in captivity sparrow grosbeak, finch, linnet, bunting, waxwing, bird, bullfinch, siskin, goldfinch, from insectivorous – lark, robin, common nightingale, singing thrush, nuthatch, starling, wagtail other. The most common is domestic content of exotic birds, especially parrots. They are all herbivorous, and many of them well to imitate human speech and are long-lived (live 50 – 80 years). Among poultry in the territory of Russia, the most common budgerigar, finch rack, parrot, gray parrot, pink cockatoos, and others.

When breeding wild or domestic mammals, in addition to the conditions and feeding, it is necessary to consider a number of ethical and sometimes legal issues. All mammals have well-developed psychic, teachable, trainable, responsive to affection and pain. In this regard, human relationships with them are governed by a number of legal acts: the rules of detention, transportation, quarantine, the decrees of the responsibility for cruelty to animals, etc. But there are unwritten laws of kindness and humanity. Therefore, to decide on the content of the mammals in the house should be, considering its capabilities and features of the animal.

From wild animals at home can live successfully protein, hedgehog, loir, hamster (Syrian or Central Asian).

Of the 300 breeds of dogs in the home would be best to include decorative. This variety of poodles, terriers, as well as Western and Oriental decorative dog (Maltese lap dog, or french, dwarf Pinscher, Pug, French Bulldog, Japanese Chin, Pekingese, and others).The plant in the house dog of any breed, it must be remembered that it is not a toy, but above all else and demands appropriate attention. Dog – the most loyal, selfless, forgiving, and understanding to each lot. Quite a few pleasant minutes delivers the contents of the house and different types of cats. They, like dogs, are the most common domestic mammals.

Any pets in the house – is not only worries and troubles, but above all it is an immeasurable joy of living creatures, with a part of nature.