
Conjunctivitis in Birds.

Conjunctivitis – an inflammation of the conjunctiva – a transparent mucous membrane connecting the eye that covers the rear surface of the eyelids and front of the eye to the cornea.

The most frequent causes of disease – irritation of the eyes with smoke, corrosive gases, as well as – dust and other foreign bodies in the eye. It is known that small birds love to rub his head on the perch, especially after bathing. If the perch is dirty, they can clog the eye. On the tits, which are more likely to rub his head on the perch, why they occur frequently and conjunctivitis, in the past bird lovers say that they are overwritten by the eye.

In canaries and other birds conjunctivitis may develop after prolonged feeding of cannabis. In this case, along with eye disease occurs and intestinal disorders. Inflammation of the conjunctiva in birds is related to indoor common, especially during the cold season, with cooling, if the cell is close to the vents or the bird is on the draft.

Connecting the eye mucous membrane contact with air and the environment. Therefore, in the conjunctive bags are always a variety of microorganisms. In clinically healthy parrots, for example, is dominated by staphylococci and other gram-positive bacteria. By reducing the body’s protective properties of these and other microbes can cause inflammation of the conjunctiva. It develops and diseases of internal organs, beriberi, and – in infectious diseases.

Symptoms. In acute conjunctivitis, mucous membrane reddens and swells, develops photophobia. Therefore, the birds keep your eyes closed or half closed. Discharge from the eye slit first liquid, and later – mucous or thick, opaque and purulent. These secretions accumulate in the inner corner of the eye in the form of clumps or filaments, glue eyelids.

Treatment. His start to eliminate the cause of the disease. Conjunctivitis, which developed because of the cold go away if you put a cell to another place and the bird will stay warm. In order not to happen, “mashing” the eye, you need to constantly monitor the purity of perches. In the event of illness due to improper feeding should begin to give the bird food, which meets the needs of the species.

The eyes of birds washed with fresh urine, the holy water (water with silver).

Diseases caused by adverse temperature conditions.

For too long exposure to cold on the body heat loss compensation is broken. In fish, both cold-blooded animals with falling ambient temperature decreases and body temperature. At the same time inhibited the function of the midbrain (cold anesthesia), and then suppressed by the hypothalamus and other centers of the central nervous system, blood pressure falls, breathing movements gill covers are rare. There is hypoglycemia, ie, decreases the amount of sugar in the blood. The central nervous system is particularly sensitive to the lack of sugar, as it has no glycogen. During prolonged hypoglycemia in nerve cells, irreversible changes. With a deep and prolonged hypothermia decreases the intensity and nature of the changes of metabolism – manifested, for example, anaerobic glycolysis, which goes to the autolysis and death comes first individual cells, and then the whole body.

Resistance to the cooling depends on the state (the total resistance, fatness, age, etc.).The main cause of death of the organism from prolonged hypothermia is considered to tissue hypoxia and irreversible changes in the nervous system. Fish can live for a long time without food, but can not tolerate oxygen deprivation, even for a short period (from several minutes to several hours). In some cases, even in nature there are cases of mass death of fish with a sharp and significant reduction in water temperature (for a day or two), and the reason it is not the freezing of tissue fluid and the cooling of the protoplasm, a violation of the reactivity of the protein, leading to a profound disturbance of metabolism.

Gradual changes in temperature are rarely a threat to the health and lives of fish, while the sharp fluctuations can cause severe stress, resulting in significantly reduced fish resistance to disease. Temperature shock syndrome is well known, and should be avoided. Translate fish from one setting to another should be gradual, so that the temperature difference does not exceed 3-5 ° C.

Temperature not only affects the functioning of the body of fish, but also affects the occurrence of disease may contribute to the development of parasites. It is known that some infectious diseases of fish occur in the relatively cold water (10-12 ° C), the other most urgent occur at higher temperatures (20-25 ° C) – here are aeromonosis (rubella), inflammation of the swim bladder  other. At low water temperatures the fish are suspended or slowed physiological functions of the body, breaks down the nervous system, respiration, circulation, and the formation of blood clots inside the blood vessels in and out, damaged gill apparatus.

Too high water temperature also causes disruption of the body of fish. Thus, even for short periods of high temperature “fired” gill lobes, and the skin appears whitish intense mucosal plaque. Gill petals fish become anemic, covered with slime, there is a rupture of the capillaries, there is bleeding. After some time, is necrotic decay and complete destruction of the gill filaments. On the gills of the affected areas settled saprophytic fungi and bacteria develops the disease process, and there is a fish kill.

Exposure to high temperatures in the presence of other unfavorable factors (especially the accumulation of water in the tank of a large amount of organic matter, high content of ammonia, etc.) causes an outbreak branhiomikoza.  At high water temperatures dramatically exacerbated during aeromonosis (rubella) and swim bladder inflammation, accompanied by mass mortality of fish. In addition, depending on the temperature of the water appear a number of pathogens associated diseases. During the above-mentioned infectious diseases is complicated by the massive development of Ichthyophthirius, Dactylogyrus, and other agents of invasive disease. Some of these parasites are cold-loving, others – heat-loving. So, Costia necatris preferred temperature 10-22 ° C, Ichthyophthirius – 20-26 ° C, Dactylogyrus vestator – 24-28 ° C. At these temperatures, there are outbreaks of epizootic diseases of the: kostioza, ihtioftirioza, dactylogyrosis. All these temperature zones are safe, secure oxygen, carbon dioxide poor water with neutral reaction (pH = 7,0-7,1).

With the deterioration of environmental conditions decreasing the stability of the fish as too high and to very low temperatures. It should also be remembered that with increase in temperature increases the toxicity to fish and other aquatic organisms most chemicals.

From the above it follows that the temperature of water is an essential life-sustaining factor in the aquarium, which is the correct use can avoid a lot of trouble for their pets.

Does Your Cat Healthy?

veterinary suppliesHealth of the cats, their growth and development, and hence the ability to please their owners affection, cheerfulness depends on us. In city apartments, cats have sometimes sweet, and if the summer village, the cottage, the longing for freedom can be manifested in a small space is enough room keenly felt: will be irritability, nervousness, and after that await her various ailments.

The conditions of housing, feeding, depends a great deal of attention. The owners need to know the physiology. animals – in fact a violation of fundamental rules of treatment (iznezhivanie excessive, indiscriminate feeding, and so becomes the cause of many internal hosts non-communicable inattention can lead to poisoning by various chemicals, which are many. Care should be taken to ensure that these substances were stored in inaccessible places for pets , cats have a value, and the purity of the air density is placed in the animal itself (it should be to wean the cat stain soft furnishings and bed and climb on the table in the closet, etc.)

How could still determine that the cat is unwell. After all, if a person feels unwell or pain, he complains about his condition, and hasten to the doctor. A cat? And they complain, though, unfortunately, we do not always understand them, and therefore appeal to the vet too late. How to recognize the disease, have a cat first aid?

Diagnose and treat our four-legged is not easy, but it is quite possible. Hosts cats need to know how and when to give them first aid, in which cases should be isolated from other infected animals like him, and, possibly, from the people.

A healthy cat  mobile, cheerful, calm. She has a good appetite, even breathing, wet and cold nose (nasal mirror), normal body temperature (38-39 ° C) and heart rate (110-130 beats per minute), the acts of defecation and urination are regular.

Sick cats become lethargic, irritable, did not respond to the name, hide in the nooks, prefer to lie down. The nose is dry and often hot, watery eyes, appetite is reduced or absent, dull coat, you may experience coughing, wheezing, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, increased thirst. Depending on the nature of the disease there are significant variations of the above symptoms.

It has long been observed that cats themselves licking their wounds. It is not surprising, since in their saliva has a special ingredient – lysozyme, under the action of which the wound is cleaned of harmful microbes and faster healing. For digestive disorders, wounds in the mouth and other diseases while walking cats seek out and eat them known only to the plants. Do not let this – the ability to self-medicate cats fixed genetically. All veterinary drugs, as well as other chemicals, keep out of reach of pets place.

Experts determine the health of the animal in their general appearance, and in addition, by examining the ears, eyes, coat, etc. In order to clarify the diagnosis of the important role played by laboratory studies (helminthological, bacteriological, etc.).

The examination and provision of veterinary care must first make a proper fixation of the animal – the so-called consolidation of the animal’s body or parts of it in a certain position – that ensure the safety of both cats and humans. Usually keeps the cat owner. Use different ways to fix that so that there was no adverse consequences (injury, etc.).

Known methods of using drugs:

inside – through the mouth provide a variety of powders, potions, pills, boluses, capsules, pills, solutions and emulsions;
intramuscularly administered to cats antibiotic solution, procaine, magnesium sulfate;
subcutaneously injected antibiotics and all solutions intended for injection, as well as vaccines and serums;
intravenous administration of drugs to cats is very difficult, so this method is used in extreme cases;
inhalation and physical therapy treatments;
external method using various ointments, compresses, solutions, etc.
Some medicines can make sick animals their owners. To do this, the cat must be recorded, and then using tweezers, wooden spoon or a hand put on the root of the tongue the right medicine.

Hot compress do so, a tissue soaked in drug substance is applied to the affected area, on top of parchment paper and put a cotton compress, and then tape up.

Choice and Design Aquarium


Fishbowl may seem attractive, but it is not very practical: it is difficult to clean the walls, it is more difficult to cover, in addition, curved glass distorts the picture of the underwater world. Preferably purchase a rectangular tank. The best ratio of length, width and height – 2:1:1. A small aquarium will require more attention, and the choice of fish and plants for him less. The larger the aquarium, the more stable it biological balance. The optimum solution for homes are aquariums from 50 to 150 liters.

Naturally, not all have the opportunity to acquire a large aquarium. But this does not mean that you have to completely give up the idea to have an aquarium. In this case you need to consider technical equipment as well as the area is limited and must leave enough room for fish and plants. The choice must be stopped at the aquarium-cast, because the seams, frames only accentuate a small volume. Of great importance is the thermal regime. The aquarium should be removed from all heat sources (batteries, electric fireplaces, etc.), and protected from direct sunlight. With regard to registration of the aquarium, it can be divided into two areas: design, using vegetation (live or artificial) and without it. For illumination of small aquariums is advisable to use table lamps (fluorescent or incandescent).


In the tanks with a capacity of 20-30 liters more as a decoration you can use large snags or group of stones. As the soil is taken fine gravel (4-5 mm grain size), coarse sand. The thickness of the soil is usually in a small aquarium, 2-3 cm

When making a basic principle of the aquarium – a departure from symmetry. As for the selection of fish and plants, the small vessels is limited. You can recommend a low Echinodorus, Cryptocoryne, Anubias, from the stem – alternateru, rotalu, Bacopa, Ludwig, Vallisneria. You can land a Thai fern, Java moss, floating plants are quite appropriate – Ricci, Salvinia, duckweed. The main thing – consider planting so that the aquarium does not then looked overgrown. Group planting in a small tank is impractical. In a large aquarium tight fit alternates with free space, and in a small vessel, dense thickets create the impression of neglect. In addition, in the thickets of the lost fish can be lost, and before it, and will draw notice, may release waste products. Experienced aquarists are advised to proceed on the assumption that 4-5 liters of water a plant has one high and 2-3 low. When planting the largest plants are placed in such a way as to mask the filter and heater. Low plants are placed around the highest. If the tank is not supposed to plant the plants, then use a decorative element (grotto, a snag). As a rule, is only one.

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Bite dog. Infection after a bite.

It is said that the dog – man’s best friend. However, there are many cases of dog attacks on people for various reasons: to protect themselves from mental disorders. The phenomenon of licking the wounds of animals, especially mammals, gave birth to the myth that their saliva has disinfectant properties.
However, each animal’s mouth – it is a warehouse of microbes, especially bacteria and fungi. Pure saliva actually has disinfectant properties due to its protein structure. Licking wounds is also a natural response of mammals. However, the saliva in the case of dog bite – it is pure poison for humans, because we have not developed immunity against bacteria and germs in the mouth of the existing dog, which immediately lead to the development of infection.

Dog Bite

The dog, though the animal socialized in our time, but deep down she is a wild animal and has many characteristics, physical and psychological, passed to her by her ancestors. The outstanding physical qualities of the dog, inherited from the canine community are an aggressive set of teeth, powerful jaws and way of thinking, based on the method of brute force, reporting to the killer instinct to protect itself and its owner from harm and danger. Thanks to these characteristics, the dog may cause serious harm to humans.

The muscles that control jaw dogs are able to exert enormous pressure. This pressure and the force capable of causing puncture wounds and lacerations on the skin, damage to blood vessels, muscles and even tendons. Lacerations after being bitten by a dog, as well as microbes that penetrate the body, making the consequences of dog bite is even more serious. In many cases, the germs that cause infection overpower the defense mechanism of the organism, ie, white blood cells. Use only disinfectants insufficient measure a wound from a dog bite must be properly treated.

Infection from the bite of dogs

Infection is usually spread of germs in the wound. Check out some kinds of bacteria that cause infections of wounds from the bite of the dogs.

  • Staphylococcus
  • Eykenella
  • Klebsiella
  • Moraksella
  • Prevotella
  • Fuzobakterii
  • Kapnotsitofaga
  • Pasteurella
  • Streptococci
  • Proteus
  • Gemofilus
  • Enterobacter
  • Porfiromonas
  • Bacteroides
  • Corynebacterium
  • Neisseria

Disinfectants used for first aid after being bitten by dogs, used to get rid of bacteria.However, not all disinfectants can kill the bacteria. Inflammation of the skin and release a whitish fluid – this is the first sign that the wound was infected. Another common symptom is a reddish rash around the bite. These symptoms usually occur within 8 hours after a dog bite. At this time, you need to go to the hospital.

Infection after a dog bite is even worse if a person is infected with rabies. The first sign of infection with rabies – a hallucination. They will be accompanied by severe headache, sweating and fever. These symptoms are very similar to regular flu symptoms. A person may also experience muscle spasms and an aversion to water. The best tool in this situation is to immediately wash the wound and call an ambulance or go immediately to the hospital.

Another common infection through the bite of a dog is tetanus. The signs of tetanus are muscle cramps and fever. Sepsis – blood poisoning, is another common infection after being bitten by a dog.

To avoid life-threatening infections, it is advisable to call an ambulance, and then wash the wound. Emergency medical personnel, examining the wound, immediately carry out the necessary vaccinations and medical treatment.

The use of veterinary medicine for metabolic disorders

Veterinary medicine – Under veterinary understand science, which studies health and various diseases of domestic animals. This science can prevent animal disease and improve their livelihoods in the environment. Animal health is directly dependent on living conditions, feeding, grooming, etc. Therefore, poor diet, lack of safe care is often the cause of various diseases of animals.

Veterinary ProductsMalnutrition often leads to disruption of metabolic processes. Generally, veterinary clinic deals with diagnosis and further treatment of domestic animals. In the majority of pathological processes may occur offense related to metabolism. In addition to eating it affects water quality, environment and general health of individual animals. Especially such violations occur in cattle and poultry.

Metabolic disorder often associated with vitamin deficiency, which leads to different diseases. In medicine, a violation of release carbohydrate, mineral, protein, water and fat metabolism. However, these processes have a common basis, which causes diseases such as beriberi, eating hair, osteomalacia and mineral deficiency.

Vitamins play a key role in the lives of pets. This directly affects the growth, productivity and development of livestock, poultry, dogs, cats, etc. All the necessary vitamins and minerals to promote health and help to avoid undesirable conditions. In this case, veterinary care makes it possible to correctly diagnose the animal to continue to appoint all the necessary procedures of treatment.

In young animals, vitamin deficiency is often seen as lacking vitamin A. This leads to metabolic disorders, eye diseases, as well as the emergence of a variety of viral infections. Most often, this causes a lack of food, which lacks all the useful elements.Carotene in the grass, carrots, hay, in the family of legumes.

Useful nutrients for animals found in fish oil, milk, eggs and other products. Especially for females, it is important to make food that contains carotene. Veterinary medicine can eliminate various diseases of cattle with a lack of vitamins and trace elements necessary for life.

Vaccination of dogs: why and how to carry out.

Active prevention of diseases in dogs – tips and warnings

It’s no secret that dogs, like people who are at risk of contracting infectious diseases. Beloved pets await such a dangerous and common viral infections like enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, plague and rabies. Reliable protection from these diseases – preventive vaccination.

The action is to develop a vaccine for dogs long active immunity. Vaccine should be distinguished from serum, which are intended for the treatment of infectious diseases, as initiated by passive immunity for a short time.


In order not to harm the poor pet vaccination, the vaccine must be purchased in pharmacies and clinics. Domestic and imported vaccines are available in two types: monovalent, containing a vaccine against the disease, and polyvalent – against a few at a time.

Despite the fact that in the first year of life the puppy will have to move 4.5 shots, first make better use of monovalent vaccine. They contribute to the development of a reliable immunity. To support the existing immunity of adult dogs suitable polyvalent vaccine.

Before the vaccine.

At the beginning of life the baby is protected by maternal immunity, which he was still in the embryonic period and then with colostrum. If the month puppy ate exclusively breast milk, and not go outside the apartment, in respect of infectious he is healthy. On the walk baby should be protected from dangerous contact with the environment and keep it on hand. This is extremely important, because you can only vaccinate healthy puppy.

Before you make a good shot to watch the appetite, stool, pet behavior. The temperature ranges from healthy dogs 38-39 degrees. Measure the temperature should be several times a day, not less than 15 minutes after waking up and eating. Such observations will help determine how well the dog suffered a vaccine.

Weakens the body is the presence of a puppy worms, they emit toxins inhibit the immune system. Therefore, prior to vaccination is important to get rid of parasites

When and how to vaccinate dogs.

The first preventive vaccine made against enteritis and hepatitis at the age of six weeks. Approximately two weeks later to repeat vaccination. The same amount of time necessary for sustainable production of immunity in dogs to these diseases for the year. Then, a repeat vaccination. Usually, puppies are easy to carry this vaccine.

No earlier than two and a half months of a puppy vaccinated against plague. Later, the vaccine is dangerous to do. After this vaccination complications are possible, so be a long quarantine period of three weeks, during which pet are immune to the plague. At this time the dog can not walk, run down, too cold, and wash.

When the puppy will grow all the permanent teeth, in about seven months old, vaccinated against distemper repeat. Then do it every year at the same time.

When the dog turns four months, you can vaccinate against leptospirosis. Puppies up to six months, the vaccine is administered again after six months if the dog is older, vaccination is repeated in a year.
Completes an annual list of vaccinations against rabies vaccinations. Allowed to make such a shot with a six-month old, but in practice often comes after eight months, when the booster will be held against the plague. Vaccination against rabies is carried by dogs is not easy. So within two weeks after vaccination is necessary to observe a strict quarantine.
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