
General advice on purchasing a healthy kitten or puppy

Veterinary suppliesAlmost all articles of this kind to the reader the question, why did you decide to have a pet, whether you understand the responsibility that will fall on you after the purchase? We omit this part. It is assumed that you are a responsible person who truly loves animals and plants is a friend, not a means for profit, pride, and so on.
What kind of animal is right for you. Cat or dog?

Do you want to get a dog? Decide whether you have the opportunity to make daily walks in any weather? Many breeds are very active and should receive daily physical activity, and many species are painful, that is, tend to certain pathologies. And of course, not every dog can sit at home alone, if you spend much time at work. Get ready for the complaints of neighbors on the curve, as well as property damage. Learn about the breed, many species do not start if you have children at home. You should be aware that any dog regardless of breed, may prove inappropriate behavior, and trauma inflicted by a large dog, is more dangerous than the injury inflicted lap dog.

Of course, cats are the most popular pets, but they spoil the furniture, mark the corners, and not every cat will even allow themselves to be stroked. For longhaired cats need special care, and not all of it by force. Also, these cats pronounced sexual behavior. Think about whether you can decide on the castration of the animal when to start “March Song.”
Much depends on the size of your pet. Naturally, the largest animal leaves more food and medicines for the treatment. Therefore, in case of illness, the cost of treating dogs greater than cats, unless of course you do not have small breeds such as Yorkshire Terriers. But here it should be noted that the cost of taking an exotic animal larger than usual.


So, you have chosen species, sex and breed. Experience suggests it is better to take the baby from a reputable breeder. Often, puppies and kittens purchased at Bird’s market or to move a lot of problems delivering their new owners. And the problems begin, usually with a hike in the veterinaries with the same complaints of swelling of the tummy, the refusal to eat, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. due to very severe helminthic infestation. People who need to sell the animal, alas, is only concerned about selling it. And, as a rule, do not “bother” with the conduct of preventive and deworming, especially for primary vaccination series. Therefore, our advice is – just in the nursery. Only tested. And it would be better on the advice of your good friends who have taken it a puppy or kitten. Owners of nurseries serious value their reputation. They will not save “on the matches.” And let their animals are probably more, I promise, you will still benefit from it!Make an appointment with the breeder, put him visit your home or where are puppies or kittens. It would be great to see the entire litter, and repeatedly, as well as many relatives chosen a puppy or kitten. For example, should alert unless previous litter of puppies started to appear demodicosis. Look at the behavior of the puppy or kitten in a group of other animals and separately. It is not necessary to be sure that if, when you came, the puppy is quiet, even at home he will be as quiet. Just before he could run riot, but at the time of your arrival just resting. It is necessary to know more about his behavior, habits, daily routine, the nature of power. The same applies to the selection and kitten. The more information you get, the more realistic of his chosen representatives. You must get in touch cub. Take it to handle, pat, clap your hands, check whether it is fearful. Well, when the puppy and kitten do come to you, but if within one hour shall not come near to you, it may indicate an insurmountable timidity animals, and that you have even a particular animal may not take shape relationships. This is a very important point. Very often we do not choose the animals, and they are us.


I want to warn you in case you decide to buy a kitten or puppy in the market at a pet store or in transit. Outwardly they may look healthy, but in fact they could keep on the immunostimulant. A few days later, these animals may be a manifestation of clinical signs of any infectious disease. And do not always work out the animal … Bringing a baby into the house, you need to carefully watch for him, if you notice an unnatural behavior, the occurrence of any clinical signs should immediately contact a doctor! If the kitten or puppy is playful, with a good appetite, stools and so on., Then he needs to get rid of MOST of worms 2 times with an interval of 10 days and then another 10 days to go for vaccinations at the clinic. Even if you claimed on the market, de-worming and vaccinations carried out, it is better to be safe, no harm. By the way, unproven breeders also guilty of failure to comply with terms of de-worming and vaccinations, consider this.

If your family will soon be a baby when your guests arrive pregnant women, it is best to refrain from buying animals, especially cats. As known, the cats are carriers of diseases common to humans and animals. More about this you can read in the article “What do you get from a cat? Diseases common to man and animals. ”
And since there is no guarantee that the purchased pet is healthy, we would not be advised to take the risk.

More information about nutrition, deworming and vaccination timing, care of your future pet you can read in other articles of our website. We hope that you are not afraid of the difficulties of choice and have forged a wonderful pet! We are, as pet owners ourselves, we can say with confidence – all the excitement, all the difficulties of selecting all of your experience will be compensated by joy, delivered us to our lesser brethren!

Good luck to you!

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