Quarantine Newly Purchased Fish.

Aquarium Fish

When purchasing new fish, even the experienced aquarist cannot always see the clinical signs of a disease, since the latter is not always apparent, and the fish that are carriers of pathogens in the external examination is almost impossible to identify. Shares, in the general aquarium of at least one sick or seemingly healthy, but being a carrier of fish pathogens is sufficient for the outbreak of an infectious or parasitic diseases and primarily the young fish are sick. That’s why the newly acquired fish are subjected to quarantine.

To do this, allocate a separate aquarium, which contain no soil and aquatic vegetation. This is due to frequent changes of water in it and conduct disinfection of the tank. In order to maintain the desired oxygen regime of water in it aerated. In the aquarium must fix some nets, bowl scraper, spray, thermometer and other equipment that is disinfected after the removal of fish.

Quarantine term – not less than one month, the fish received from abroad – more than a month. Fish, not shown signs of illness for the duration of the quarantine, transplanted into a common tank. Due to quarantine the fish can be identified with the disease located in the incubation period. This period varies from several days to several weeks, depending on the susceptibility of fish to a given pathogen, from its general condition, the degree of virulence of the pathogen, environmental conditions and other factors.

Sometimes it helps to identify quarantine  not all fish are in the incubation period of disease or are carriers of pathogens of parasitic diseases. It happens that the fish parasite infective agents of several diseases, not just members of different species and families, but also the types. For example, one fish can be found flagellate Costia necatrix family Bodonidae, such as Protozoa, infusoria Chilodonella surrini, viviparous monogenetic trematode Gyrodactylus elegans, and copepod Lernaea cyrinacea family Lernaeidae. This infection is called mixed.