Runny Nose in Dogs and Cats.

Dog NoseRunny nose (rhinitis) in cats and dogs can be a separate disease or a symptom of other diseases. Nasal discharge may be watery, mucous, purulent. If the selection goes from one nostril, then it’s probably not a simple head cold, it often indicates a tumor in the nasal passages, this doctor’s consultation is required.
Common cold usually occurs without worsening of general condition, the animal is active, eats well. For the treatment can be used to drop the animals or small children in the oil-based. Treatment is carried out at least 7 – 10 days.
It should be noted that even the common cold in cats, dogs runny nose, if left untreated, may become chronic. Chronic rhinitis is almost impossible to treat. Therefore, it is expedient to immediately contact your veterinarian.
Do not be afraid to treat with antibiotics if the case is not running, you will have a healthy animal. But as a rule, the animal gets to a vet suffering from is 1.5 – 2 months! Often the treatment is useless, and the owners charged with veterinarians in mediocrity. By purchasing a kitten or a puppy at the age of 1.5 – 2 months, sneezing, but fun, the owners think that it is “cold” and are surprised that in a month or two “cold” does not pass. And when you consider that viral rhinotracheitis or kalitseviroz cats, adenovirus, and the plague in dogs begins, usually with a cold – can be within 5 – 10 days of losing an animal. For the young, these viruses are deadly. Runny nose may be allergic origin, the first sign of asthma (not uncommon in cats!). This treatment is different: antihistamines, corticosteroids.
Particular caution – self-medication may be harmful to your animals, so we do not give specific assignments to the medical examination.
In profile, the cats of different breeds differ significantly from each other. Elongated and straight nose oriental cats can be as much as 5 inches longer spout Persian, resembling a small button of. But no matter how the nose looked like it throughout their lives is a true cat, as an important sensory organ and the beginning of the respiratory system. Inhaled air before it enters the lungs and clears heat in the nose. In addition to the vital oxygen, the cat may inhale harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as various foreign bodies. Fortunately, the cat’s nose is an excellent biological filter, which does not pass into the body, most microbes. Micro-organisms and dust deposited on the mucous membrane, and then allocated through the nose. So sometimes in the nose prominent black cats are thin crust, from which the animal gets rid of when washing. These secretions, breathing, are not a sign of disease. A cat can inhale foreign bodies: a blade of grass, string, small fish bone, and even insects. Then she starts to sneeze and constantly rubs his nose with his paw. In most cases the foreign body out of itself. Otherwise, do not try to remove it (you can seriously injure the nasal mucosa), and you must immediately give the cat the care of a veterinarian.
If the cat runs from the nose, she sneezes and breathes with difficulty, the poor are likely to seriously ill. It is through the nose in the animal pathogens penetrate the most dangerous and incurable diseases – infectious peritonitis (FIP) and leukemia (FeLV). Protect your cat from these deadly diseases can only be timely vaccinations. Some infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract are united under the name “cat’s runny nose.” Their agents – herpes viruses, reoviruses, kalitsevirusy, Chlamydia. Symptoms of feline rhinitis – sneezing, coughing, eye inflammation, fever, weakness and apathy. Discharge from the eyes and nose, watery at first, and then the adhesive or purulent. Often an animal cannot breathe through your nose. Because of the deteriorating appetite, because the cat does not feel the smell of food. Kalitsevirus, except for the described symptoms, may cause ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Various animals endure a cold cat in many ways: some off with a slight indisposition, other disease is very difficult. Of course, one should not expect deterioration, hoping for a home remedy. At the first sign of illness, especially when the temperature rises, you need to consult a doctor. Cat’s cold can be cured with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but it is better to make the cat vaccinated. Running respiratory infections can lead to inflammation of the lungs. Against the background of feline rhinitis may develop a secondary bacterial infection – inflammation of the maxillary (nose) sinuses. In this case a cat sneezes, spraying white, yellowish, often with blood, a secret. Appetite remains normal animal, because breathing is difficult, the selection comes from the sinuses. Sinusitis treated with antibiotics, in severe cases, the nasal cavity is washed, exposing them to the outside. Cats often suffer from colds in the nasal passages may be formed polyps – benign growths the size of a cherry. Symptoms of polyps: difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, recurrent bouts of sneezing. Some cats shake their heads, can change the timbre of voice and swallowing difficult. Get rid of the polyps can only be surgically.Some cats may suffer from allergic rhinitis. Animal allergies and sneezes, as opposed to the common cold, caused by colds, nasal discharge is always watery. Cats, like humans, there is an allergic reaction to pollen of certain plants or chemicals. Measures to prevent allergies – to identify the allergen and prevent their falling into the habitat of the cat. Relieve allergic rhinitis by using anti-inflammatory drugs.
Thus, the respiratory diseases of cats on the symptoms and treatments are similar to those of men. Under no circumstances do not try to treat cough and sneeze cat antibiotics, which, for example, quickly helped to catch a cold last winter baby. Only a veterinarian may prescribe an effective cure for a cat in a suitable dosage for a particular animal. The best way to protect your cat against disease – timely vaccination. Combined vaccination against pathogens “cat colds”, and chlamydia.
The first vaccination – at the age of 8-9 weeks. Booster – at the age of 11-12 weeks. Subsequent re-vaccination – every year. Cat’s nose is not only an important part of the respiratory system, but also the organ of smell. Cat has a great sense of smell is much more acute than in man. Department of cat brain responsible for sense of smell is well developed. In addition, over the upper jaw of a cat is a special organ that does not pertain to the nose – the body Jacobson. Its role is to recognize odors. This body is in other animals, such as horses. The cat sometimes opens his mouth, sniffing the unfamiliar objects. So the cat “sniffing” Jacobson organ. It is noticed that, as a rule, unpleasant for the person smells like urine scent marks, the cat with the body recognizes Jacobson. The food is usually a cat sniffing nose. But not exactly clear what makes a cat in some cases the use of Jacobson organ, while others – the nose.
It is believed that a dog’s nose is sharper than a cat. In fact, this is not true. Indeed, part of the brain dog responsible for the sense of smell, developed more than a cat. But the smells of food, as well as relatives of the cat trap smells just as sharply as a dog. The main difference in the smell of cats and dogs is that dogs are on the trail, the cat did not. However, cats can smell from a distance. During the mating period, females gather at the window all the neighboring cats. Some go to the “scent of a woman” from afar. Cat owners need to know about one of their features. Before you eat, the cat always sniffs the food, even the well-known and beloved: the smell of food stimulates the appetite. The cat, which has a stuffy nose, turns away from the tidbits. At a cold cat for some unknown reason does not use body Jacobson. Diseased animal is fasting harmful to itself – the body is not getting food, weakens, and the disease progresses. Therefore, a cat suffering from even a slight cold, to clean the nose and feed it highly palatable foods: liver, the most favorite canned food, fresh meat. Some odors are a cat like a drug. For example, sniffing, or valeric tincture of valerian root, most cats will come into ecstasy: starts rolling on the floor and rub on all sorts of things. This lasts a few minutes. In addition to valerian, cat smells like catnip, onion and garlic. Odor as naphthalene and orange cats are extremely unpleasant.
How to care for the dogs nose?
Dog’s nose – the main feature of the health problems. Therefore, if the nose is not wet and cold, like a healthy dog, it should alert you. Dry, hot, and sometimes cracked nose should alert the owner – a symptom of illness onset. However, warm nose can be a dog during a game or immediately after sleep. Still, be observant, in time to capture the best condition. If the dog has returned home with his nose, covered with clay, earth, remove the dirt moist, soft cloth.
Sometimes dogs and cold as a consequence of the elementary hypothermia, inhalation of irritating. Nasal passages of dogs are very narrow, they are many folds, so effective medication in the form of aerosol, but aerosols are unpleasant for the dogs, so it’s best to use and children from the cold drops of liquid oil.
Avoid the use of dogs for the treatment of nasal vasoconstrictor agents such as “Sanorin”, “Naphazoline.” This is very dangerous. Thick, greenish nasal discharge, accompanied by the formation of thick crusts and coarsening of the skin nasal mirror, often an indicator of the disease plague. Especially if this observed greenish purulent discharge from the eyes. It is clear that a doctor is needed here. The resulting “brown” can be deleted, their pre-softened mineral oil or glycerin. And the secret of the nasal passages is removed with a tightly twisted wool from the flagella, and moisten them with petroleum jelly or glycerin.