Children and Pets: TOP-5 for! about the benefits of pet for a child.

Veterinary for pets1. Pets help children develop, easier to adapt and find new friends
This dog, cat, rat or a parrot – this is the dream of all children. They appreciate the contact with animals. Your pet becomes a child is not only a source of warmth, affection and companion in games, and has a strong influence on the child. For example, the relationship between the child and the dog are of great pedagogical value. If a child wants to have a dog, which means that it is developing harmoniously. In society, the dog learns to be a child organized and be with others. Scientists have proved that animals can help children develop faster, easier to adapt to a new team and find friends, and shared care for animals, rides and games make family friendly.
2. Pets contribute to the physical development of children
Cats and dogs stimulate the child to the outdoor games, and develop coordination. Playing with the dog at the ball, the child involved in an interesting mobile game. In humans, contact with animals, decreased heart rate, blood pressure, heart rate slows, muscles relax, improves digestion. Life expectancy increases to 15 years. Studies show the value pets and recommend them as a medicine.
3. Pets – the best psychologists and assistants
Animals for the children – this is the best psychologists and assistant in matters of social adaptation. Sometimes an animal becomes a “link” between a shy child and his potential friends in the yard. The dog makes a contribution to the establishment of the child’s contact with the surrounding joint. A walking the dog can unite even the most taciturn and problem children. After all, what you heard the dog, increases self-esteem, which may further favorably affect the communication with the outside world. We all know that communication with the animal relieves stress and builds relationships within the family. Communication with the pet can push a child to explore the world and nature.
And a dog can teach a child to read: Here is an example: an 8-year-old boy, who could read only 45 words per minute, per month doubled the speed of reading through rate. Dog Left Behind student visited the school every week and patiently, curled up, lying on the lap of the boy while he was reading aloud. No one corrected the child is not interrupted and did not comment. In such a nice company hated reading before turning into a real pleasure. The calming effect of contact with domestic animals has long been known. Teachers say that children with a friendly four-legged listener changing right before our eyes: disappear fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Hence the excellent results.
4. Pets bring up a sense of responsibility
Pet teaches children responsibility for themselves and those close to him creatures. Doctors, psychologists and educators recommend a child a pet as a friend, who gives him not only to their proximity, but also the recognition and communication, and understanding of responsibility for themselves and those close to him creatures. The child will understand that the four-legged friend is not a teddy bear, it must be fed regularly, look and walk. These skills will help a child into adulthood, he learns to control himself and take responsibility for their actions. At different ages the degree of responsibility for the child in the animal should be varied. In 3 years the child can help fill food, pet him, together with you to walk it. In 7-9 years a child can begin to walk the dog yourself, and C13-ty years to become the master and bear responsibility for a pet.
5. The communicative aspect of. Pet – a super-topic to discuss with friends. Your child is interested in cats, dogs or other animals? Let him read the special literature, go with him on the show and keep his endeavors and aspirations. After contact with animals can become his hobby, which will create around the child the appropriate circle of friends and acquaintances.