Does Your Cat Healthy?

veterinary suppliesHealth of the cats, their growth and development, and hence the ability to please their owners affection, cheerfulness depends on us. In city apartments, cats have sometimes sweet, and if the summer village, the cottage, the longing for freedom can be manifested in a small space is enough room keenly felt: will be irritability, nervousness, and after that await her various ailments.

The conditions of housing, feeding, depends a great deal of attention. The owners need to know the physiology. animals – in fact a violation of fundamental rules of treatment (iznezhivanie excessive, indiscriminate feeding, and so becomes the cause of many internal hosts non-communicable inattention can lead to poisoning by various chemicals, which are many. Care should be taken to ensure that these substances were stored in inaccessible places for pets , cats have a value, and the purity of the air density is placed in the animal itself (it should be to wean the cat stain soft furnishings and bed and climb on the table in the closet, etc.)

How could still determine that the cat is unwell. After all, if a person feels unwell or pain, he complains about his condition, and hasten to the doctor. A cat? And they complain, though, unfortunately, we do not always understand them, and therefore appeal to the vet too late. How to recognize the disease, have a cat first aid?

Diagnose and treat our four-legged is not easy, but it is quite possible. Hosts cats need to know how and when to give them first aid, in which cases should be isolated from other infected animals like him, and, possibly, from the people.

A healthy cat  mobile, cheerful, calm. She has a good appetite, even breathing, wet and cold nose (nasal mirror), normal body temperature (38-39 ° C) and heart rate (110-130 beats per minute), the acts of defecation and urination are regular.

Sick cats become lethargic, irritable, did not respond to the name, hide in the nooks, prefer to lie down. The nose is dry and often hot, watery eyes, appetite is reduced or absent, dull coat, you may experience coughing, wheezing, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, increased thirst. Depending on the nature of the disease there are significant variations of the above symptoms.

It has long been observed that cats themselves licking their wounds. It is not surprising, since in their saliva has a special ingredient – lysozyme, under the action of which the wound is cleaned of harmful microbes and faster healing. For digestive disorders, wounds in the mouth and other diseases while walking cats seek out and eat them known only to the plants. Do not let this – the ability to self-medicate cats fixed genetically. All veterinary drugs, as well as other chemicals, keep out of reach of pets place.

Experts determine the health of the animal in their general appearance, and in addition, by examining the ears, eyes, coat, etc. In order to clarify the diagnosis of the important role played by laboratory studies (helminthological, bacteriological, etc.).

The examination and provision of veterinary care must first make a proper fixation of the animal – the so-called consolidation of the animal’s body or parts of it in a certain position – that ensure the safety of both cats and humans. Usually keeps the cat owner. Use different ways to fix that so that there was no adverse consequences (injury, etc.).

Known methods of using drugs:

inside – through the mouth provide a variety of powders, potions, pills, boluses, capsules, pills, solutions and emulsions;
intramuscularly administered to cats antibiotic solution, procaine, magnesium sulfate;
subcutaneously injected antibiotics and all solutions intended for injection, as well as vaccines and serums;
intravenous administration of drugs to cats is very difficult, so this method is used in extreme cases;
inhalation and physical therapy treatments;
external method using various ointments, compresses, solutions, etc.
Some medicines can make sick animals their owners. To do this, the cat must be recorded, and then using tweezers, wooden spoon or a hand put on the root of the tongue the right medicine.

Hot compress do so, a tissue soaked in drug substance is applied to the affected area, on top of parchment paper and put a cotton compress, and then tape up.