Choice and Design Aquarium


Fishbowl may seem attractive, but it is not very practical: it is difficult to clean the walls, it is more difficult to cover, in addition, curved glass distorts the picture of the underwater world. Preferably purchase a rectangular tank. The best ratio of length, width and height – 2:1:1. A small aquarium will require more attention, and the choice of fish and plants for him less. The larger the aquarium, the more stable it biological balance. The optimum solution for homes are aquariums from 50 to 150 liters.

Naturally, not all have the opportunity to acquire a large aquarium. But this does not mean that you have to completely give up the idea to have an aquarium. In this case you need to consider technical equipment as well as the area is limited and must leave enough room for fish and plants. The choice must be stopped at the aquarium-cast, because the seams, frames only accentuate a small volume. Of great importance is the thermal regime. The aquarium should be removed from all heat sources (batteries, electric fireplaces, etc.), and protected from direct sunlight. With regard to registration of the aquarium, it can be divided into two areas: design, using vegetation (live or artificial) and without it. For illumination of small aquariums is advisable to use table lamps (fluorescent or incandescent).


In the tanks with a capacity of 20-30 liters more as a decoration you can use large snags or group of stones. As the soil is taken fine gravel (4-5 mm grain size), coarse sand. The thickness of the soil is usually in a small aquarium, 2-3 cm

When making a basic principle of the aquarium – a departure from symmetry. As for the selection of fish and plants, the small vessels is limited. You can recommend a low Echinodorus, Cryptocoryne, Anubias, from the stem – alternateru, rotalu, Bacopa, Ludwig, Vallisneria. You can land a Thai fern, Java moss, floating plants are quite appropriate – Ricci, Salvinia, duckweed. The main thing – consider planting so that the aquarium does not then looked overgrown. Group planting in a small tank is impractical. In a large aquarium tight fit alternates with free space, and in a small vessel, dense thickets create the impression of neglect. In addition, in the thickets of the lost fish can be lost, and before it, and will draw notice, may release waste products. Experienced aquarists are advised to proceed on the assumption that 4-5 liters of water a plant has one high and 2-3 low. When planting the largest plants are placed in such a way as to mask the filter and heater. Low plants are placed around the highest. If the tank is not supposed to plant the plants, then use a decorative element (grotto, a snag). As a rule, is only one.


With the volume of the tank from 3-5 liters to 20 liters can recommend such fish as brahidaniyu, small hara-Qing, cardinals, cherry barbs, small raduzhnits, some of the labyrinth (males, lyaliusov) ikromechuschih carp-teeth. Goldfish, cichlids, piranhas, big livebearers, barbs, gouramis, large raduzhnits should be kept in aquariums of at least 50 liters. Should think carefully about how much fish is in the tank. The best option – it is 3-5 small adult specimens in 10 liters of water. Preferably, the aquarium was specific, because in a small aquarium to potential victims is almost nowhere to hide from predators. It is also important to pay attention to what the appetite of the selected fish – when settling tank voracious inhabitants must be borne in mind that it will quickly become contaminated. Consequently, the cleaning will be held more frequently. It is possible that the weekly cleaning in this case can not be limited, but on a more frequent may not be enough time. With regard to mode of feeding in general can recommend moderation, including a fish with a modest appetite.


As for water, then pour it into the tank directly from the tap should not be. Fresh water should always stand for several hours – then the chlorine will evaporate out of it, which is treated with water.
Mention should be made about which accessories need aquarist. Thermometer holder will need in any case. The thermometer is strengthened with a rubber suction cup with a ring on the wall of the aquarium. Some thermometers are adapted so that they can be inserted into the soil tank.

Heaters require those who decided to keep tropical fish. If you can not heat the tank, must be content with breeding hardier fish. Needed in the spray tank and air filters.Aquarium filters come outside and bottom. External filters are strengthened on the outer wall of the aquarium, bottom – in the soil.

To clean the aquarium from algae and other deposits used wiper. Also aquarists use the following accessories: hose to drain water and fill the tank with water; to remove dirt from a small aquarium, a large net of nets for catching fish in the adult transplant, net of fine mesh to catch small fish for the leaching of live food (better for that have separate nets) metal sieves to sort the largest live food, glass rods in the ground for strengthening the newly planted trees; feeders.

Feeders in the form of a floating ring is used for dry food – they do not give a poop spread out across the water surface. In addition, the fish habit to take food in a certain place. Bowl with strainer used for gradual feeding live food.

Sometimes fishing for shy or delicate small fish net is not used, and a glass bell. Nets should be washed after use, after catching a sick fish – disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate.


It is important to choose the right place for an aquarium. It should fit nicely into the interior of the premises. If the aquarium a great need for him to pick up the stand.

A small aquarium can be placed on the table. He must stand firmly on an even keel, the approach to it must be free of obstacles. Full of natural light is useful for the aquarium, to organize and artificial lighting. Tank must be installed so that was convenient to observe its inhabitants. It is not recommended to put an aquarium on a window sill, it is better to place it perpendicular to the window. After purchasing an aquarium it is advisable to check for any leaks.


Cover with water and plants can be planted at the same time. Pisces should not run for about a week. At this time in the aquarium are complex biochemical processes to form a complete ecosystem. After 2-3 days in the aquarium water becomes cloudy – is the result of putrefactive bacteria. The water should not be changed. After 5-7 days, it brightens and becomes translucent. That’s when you can settle in an aquarium.


It should be said about how the soil is suitable for the aquarium.

The best primer – gray coarse river sand, gravel, grain size 4-5 mm. Yellow fine sand from the quarries and sand boxes will not work. Sand and gravel are best taken from forest rivers and streams. Suitable gravel can be found on river shoals and sandbars. Water Forest rivers less polluted by industrial waste. An indicator of the relative prosperity of the reservoir is the availability of healthy fish, and if it does have Crayfish, how much more you can take the ground. You can also use the gravel beach, but in this case, you must check for the presence of hazardous substances. You should not take the soil near the sewage and industrial effluents. Severe infestation is not dangerous, but the process will take longer to wash. The gravel from quarries contain many harmful impurities (iron oxides, clay inclusions), so there should not take it.

For screening of gravel, you can use the following simple device. On a wooden frame 30 x 30 cm stuffed bottom metal grid. It is convenient to use two or three frames with different sizes of cells. Composing frame pairs, you can select the required fraction of the soil. On top of the frame is placed with larger cells. It poured muddy gravel and shaken. Fine sand and dust pass through the two frames on top of retained debris from the pebble. At the bottom of the soil settles the correct size.

Better to sift the dry gravel, although some practice you can handle and wet, taken directly from the water.

Rinse the gravel in small parts easier. At the bottom of the container is poured into the soil layer of 5-7 cm, fill with water and stir with a wooden or plastic sticks. Dirty water is drained 7-10 times, until the water is completely transparent. Then again, pour the water so that it is slightly covered the ground, cover the top of the vessel and shaken several times. Water again becomes dirty, it is poured off and repeat the procedure again. These cycles requires at least 5-6. More efficient to wash the gravel with hot water.

The process of washing a long and laborious, but the rush in this case is misplaced. Poorly washed soil – one of the causes of algae in an aquarium, water damage and other problems.

The washed gravel, unless it is immediately placed in an aquarium with water, sprinkle a layer of more thickness not exceeding 3 cm and dry, as wet in a large volume quickly become rotten. If the soil using sand instead of gravel, it is washed in a similar way. The washed sand is recommended to either boil for 15 minutes, or ignited in the oven.

The stones are best cleaned with a stiff brush, wash and rinse with boiling water.


What you should know about water and how water is suitable for an aquarium, and what – no?

Ordinary tap water contains chlorine, the concentration of which varies at different times of the year. May be present in the water and rust, as the pipes in many homes are old. Most often, to remove chlorine and impurities using 2-3-day defense of the water. Chlorine evaporates, and the impurities settle to the bottom. You can boil water, but it is not always possible. If the aquarium is small, then make it easy, but if the tank is large? At the same time did not carry out regular partial substitution is impossible, since the filter cannot remove the final product of decomposition of organic matter – nitrates, as well as the need to replenish the resource necessary substances in the water. Under natural conditions, the water is purified by certain bacteria. There they were in an aquarium, but it quickly created large concentrations of nitrate, which deal with the bacteria, always.

And artesian well water for aquariums are not very useful, since it is very mineralized. Water is passed through the filter of home, may come, but not always. Part of the filter retains a large mechanical suspension.

If you want to increase the hardness of the water, it is made of calcium salts and (or) magnesium or simply top up the hard water. Sometimes, to increase the hardness of the water is recommended to place the aquarium pieces of marble, limestone, fragments of shells. But the transition to a soluble form of calcium is very long and is reversible, ie, the dissolved calcium can settle.

For water softening, ie, reducing the concentration of dissolved salts, it is recommended to dilute the distilled water.

Do not use rain and melt water. Although she is soft, but it contains a lot of industrial waste and its use may be harmful to fish. Water to become soft. Tap water is poured into a bucket and bring to a cold (in winter can be taken on the balcony).Approximately 1/4-1/3 of the liquid in the center of the bucket should remain unfrozen, it is drained and the ice melt. The main thing – do not miss the moment. The fact that the freezing of water soluble salts are pushed into the center of the bucket and freeze at least.

Suitable for Aquarium and drinking water from plastic bottles, if it is not mineral. Water from rivers, ponds and lakes, as a rule, quite suitable for rigidity. But if there are no fish in the pond, it means that the water contains substances that are harmful for the aquarium fish. And if the fish is what it is, and fish disease. Of course, if you have a small tank, water can boil. Do not take water from the peat bogs.

Water from the hot water supply line can contain chemical additives which are harmful to fish. A sign of their presence is the sudden appearance of color in hot water. After carrying out preventive and emergency works hot water for a while should not be used.

If the aquarium immediately run a lot of fish can occur an imbalance, and the water turbid. Hence, a colony of bacteria cannot cope with incoming waste (including food and uneaten). Water saturated with ammonia and nitrites. Fish lose their appetite, their breathing quickens, the weakest are killed. In this case, requires a fast replacement of multiple parts of water. You can add special agents bind ammonia. For an aquarium with a well-established biological equilibrium with the partial substitution of water can be taken. Change of the volume of water is recommended at least once a week. If possible, it is better to change more and more slowly.

There are several situations that lead to damage of water in the aquarium: overfeeding, stop filter for more than 2-3 hours, the decomposition of a large dead fish. To avoid overfeeding, you must instruct the nursing versed man. It is better to give less food. You should not feed the fish food from his table. If, however, water began to thicken, she has a putrid smell – need clean soil and replacement of the water. Water changes need to be repeated several times. The criterion is the disappearance of the smell. In the filter of activated charcoal can be placed, as well as around the clock to provide aeration.

However, to completely change the water and rinsed with tap water the soil can not, because it will destroy not only the products of decay, but also beneficial bacteria. Fish should be transplanted into another tank. If not, fresh water should be, at least, dilute with boiled or hot water from the aqueduct.