Bite dog. Infection after a bite.

It is said that the dog – man’s best friend. However, there are many cases of dog attacks on people for various reasons: to protect themselves from mental disorders. The phenomenon of licking the wounds of animals, especially mammals, gave birth to the myth that their saliva has disinfectant properties.
However, each animal’s mouth – it is a warehouse of microbes, especially bacteria and fungi. Pure saliva actually has disinfectant properties due to its protein structure. Licking wounds is also a natural response of mammals. However, the saliva in the case of dog bite – it is pure poison for humans, because we have not developed immunity against bacteria and germs in the mouth of the existing dog, which immediately lead to the development of infection.

Dog Bite

The dog, though the animal socialized in our time, but deep down she is a wild animal and has many characteristics, physical and psychological, passed to her by her ancestors. The outstanding physical qualities of the dog, inherited from the canine community are an aggressive set of teeth, powerful jaws and way of thinking, based on the method of brute force, reporting to the killer instinct to protect itself and its owner from harm and danger. Thanks to these characteristics, the dog may cause serious harm to humans.

The muscles that control jaw dogs are able to exert enormous pressure. This pressure and the force capable of causing puncture wounds and lacerations on the skin, damage to blood vessels, muscles and even tendons. Lacerations after being bitten by a dog, as well as microbes that penetrate the body, making the consequences of dog bite is even more serious. In many cases, the germs that cause infection overpower the defense mechanism of the organism, ie, white blood cells. Use only disinfectants insufficient measure a wound from a dog bite must be properly treated.

Infection from the bite of dogs

Infection is usually spread of germs in the wound. Check out some kinds of bacteria that cause infections of wounds from the bite of the dogs.

  • Staphylococcus
  • Eykenella
  • Klebsiella
  • Moraksella
  • Prevotella
  • Fuzobakterii
  • Kapnotsitofaga
  • Pasteurella
  • Streptococci
  • Proteus
  • Gemofilus
  • Enterobacter
  • Porfiromonas
  • Bacteroides
  • Corynebacterium
  • Neisseria

Disinfectants used for first aid after being bitten by dogs, used to get rid of bacteria.However, not all disinfectants can kill the bacteria. Inflammation of the skin and release a whitish fluid – this is the first sign that the wound was infected. Another common symptom is a reddish rash around the bite. These symptoms usually occur within 8 hours after a dog bite. At this time, you need to go to the hospital.

Infection after a dog bite is even worse if a person is infected with rabies. The first sign of infection with rabies – a hallucination. They will be accompanied by severe headache, sweating and fever. These symptoms are very similar to regular flu symptoms. A person may also experience muscle spasms and an aversion to water. The best tool in this situation is to immediately wash the wound and call an ambulance or go immediately to the hospital.

Another common infection through the bite of a dog is tetanus. The signs of tetanus are muscle cramps and fever. Sepsis – blood poisoning, is another common infection after being bitten by a dog.

To avoid life-threatening infections, it is advisable to call an ambulance, and then wash the wound. Emergency medical personnel, examining the wound, immediately carry out the necessary vaccinations and medical treatment.